JUSTPLANTS: Vancouver’s Kokedama Mama
If you’ve been to our Made in the 604 markets, you’ve probably met Eyra. Full time mom, and part-time plant-mom, she’s the founder of JUSTPLANTS a Vancouver-based small business that sells plants and hosts plant-inspired workshops.
If you want to be a Made in the 604 vendor like Eyra, be sure to apply for our upcoming markets at: madeinthe604.ca/vendors.
Tell us about yourself and your business. What’s your core mission and vision?
My name is Eyra and I was born and raised in small desert town in Mexico called Navojoa. I consider myself as a creative and hardworking person: I have always dreamed of being my own boss and JUSTPLANTS is my dream job. JUSTPLANTS’ mission is to provide high quality plants, excellent service and knowledge about plant care. I feel lucky to be able to do what I love.
How did you start your business? What inspired you to take the leap into entrepreneurship?
I’ve always felt close to plants but it wasn’t until I had my baby Luca when I really became close to them. Maybe it’s because I spent more time at home than ever before! Everything started with one Kokedama I saw at a market. After a little research in books and online videos, I started making my own kokedamas and selling on Facebook groups. I received a lot of support and great feedback from people, which encouraged me to start thinking seriously about entrepreneurship.
On average how many hours do you work on your business each week?
I haven’t even counted my hours. I will say when I am not with my baby boy or hubby I am at the plant room, either making kokedamas, watering the plants taking care of them working in other plant projects. I would say 30 hours a week.
“It’s amazing to be able to create new pieces and experiment with new projects, that’s what keeps me going. ”
What’s the best part of owning your business?
The best part is the flexibility and the versatility; being able to work around my own terms and my young family. It’s amazing to be able to create new pieces and experiment with new projects, that’s what keeps me going.
How about the toughest?
The toughest could be my procrastination habits. I didn’t like to recognize it before but it’s been a great challenge and still a work in progress. Taking one day at a time helps me a lot, my hubby Tom has a great part in helping me push myself to become a better person.
What's your definition of success for this business?
A successful business for me would be the one that can pay the bills, of course! But also the kind of business that is close to people and its clients; when they purchase something they feel like they received something of great value.
How do you connect with the local business community?
I take part in plant donations for schools and I love hosting workshops where I can teach and share with other people the art and love for kokedamas and plants.
Any final remarks or anything else you want to share with our Made in the 604 readers?
Thanks for having me, I hope we can be part of many more markets together. Made in the 604 market Rocks!
Learn more about JUSTPLANTS>>